Couch Harlowe Kovacevich Limited (NZCN 8695367) (CHK) may collect information about you when you visit or use CHK’s website, (the Website). This includes general user information, such as use of the Website, protocol addresses, browser type and internet service provider details.
Use of information
CHK may use your personal information:
for the purpose for which it was collected;
to act for you (if you are a client);
to deal with legal or commercial conflicts of interest;
to send you publications and invitations to seminars and functions;
for internal purposes, such as invoicing and receipting;
making payments to you or on your behalf;
debt recovery, which may involve disclosing information to debt collectors; and
for specific purposes that CHK informs you about or that you authorise.
CHK may disclose personal information about you if it is:
required or authorised by you; or
required or permitted by law, including under the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006 or the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008.
CHK may store your personal information in hard copy form or in electronic form, including with third party data storage facilities and in cloud storage located in or outside New Zealand.
Changes to this policy
CHK may change this policy at any time by uploading a revised privacy policy to its website.
Privacy Act 2020
Under the Privacy Act 2020, individuals have rights of access to, and to request correction of, their personal information. If you have any questions about your personal information, please contact us at